What to need agility ladder training in your workout routine?
01 Apr, 2022
What is an agility ladder?
Before understanding the need for an agility ladder in your workout routine, let’s understand what is an agility ladder. It is not at all a specific exercise instrument. It is a type of equipment that is used by athletics in the drill. These quick movements raised the rate of heartbeat, challenge your coordination and balance in your body. It also helps the athletics to improve their speed and performance.
Need of agility ladder in your workout routine
The need for agility ladder training in a workout routine is divided into two types of training.
SARQ Training
SARQ is an abbreviated form of speed, agility, reactivity, and quickness. This is a traditional workout, especially for professional athletics and the military. But with the growing consciousness of healthy living, these workouts have become popular in gyms across the country. Here is the list of some benefits of this trainings
• Boosts engagement: This type of training program helps in boosting engagement during the workout session. It helps in decreasing boredom and makes the workout interesting. Most people are often tired of this workout and when agility ladders are used it makes the fellow teammates engaging.
• Improvement in athletic performance: In many different sports, athletics find it beneficial in doing workouts using an agility ladder. As exercises are very common for athletic especially in the sports like football and volleyball. It helps in improving the performance by mimicking quick movements and skills required during the sessions.
• Improvement in activities of daily living: You need not be a sportsperson to gain benefits of the agility ladder. According to the renowned fitness expert, this exercise also helps in coordinating body movement for the common people. It helps in the improvement of activities of daily living and makes it easier to perform.
• For older people: The benefits of an agility ladder are also helpful to older adults. It helps them to reduce the risk of falling. Therefore in many countries or community living environments, older adults used to perform agility ladder training including drills.
HIFT training
Agility ladder drills often included High Intentional functional training (HIFT) workouts. It emphasizes multi-joint movements and employs both muscle strengthening and aerobic exercise. This training also helps in improvement in maximal oxygen consumption. This helps in decreasing body fat and improvement in cardiovascular. This exercise also aids a sportsperson to improve their performance including speed, power, strength, and agility.
Precaution while doing exercise on the agility ladder
• Positioning of feet: When you are trying for the first time, it is advisable to put your whole feet when moving in and out from a ladder square. It makes the movement easier and you can easily coordinate with your feet.
• Placement of your feet: When you first start using an agility ladder, it is quite obvious that your feet are touching on the ladder instead of inside or out of the ladder square. Position or accuracy is a part of the challenge when using an agility ladder. Therefore, always start slowly so that you can able to learn the exact way of using an agility ladder.
• Leaning of the upper body: When you start pumping your arms or go through an agility ladder, the upper body should not lean forward. This shoulder should be straight and stay with the hips. The weight of the body should be centered over the middle line.
Bhalla International is most trustworthy manufacturer, supplier and exporters of Soccer Training Equipment and promote their products under the name of VINEX.
Bhalla International is offering a varieties of Speed Training Equipment to fulfill your requirement. Vinex is offering complete range of High-Quality, Premium Agility Ladders in 32+ models. All Vinex Speed Ladders are available in 2m, 4m, 9m standard lengths and also in any customized length as per customer need. Bhalla International has also a great range of adjustable ladder model, please ask for more details and different coloured Red / Blue / Yellow & Orange.
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